Find Your Legislator
The power of grassroots advocacy cannot be overstated. When legislators hear directly from their constituents on an issue, it matters! There are many ways to influence legislators, but the most important is to speak up and communicate your opinions clearly, persuasively, and frequently!
Help Protect PA’s Public Charter Schools
It’s critical for students, families, schools, educators, and community leaders to contact their legislators to help influence policy and legislative issues affecting Pennsylvania’s charter schools. Your voice matters!
You can also invite elected officials to visit your charter school or schedule a meeting in their office. Either option is a great way to build a relationship with your legislator. It provides the opportunity to show them how charter schools are serving families in their community and gives them an opportunity to spend time with their constituents.
Contact your legislator to make a difference!
Find Your LegislatorAdditional questions?
Questions about current issues for charter schools? Contact us at
Join us in the fight to save public charter schools in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools (PCPCS) has created 143K Rising for parents, faculty and charter supporters who are committed to saving public charter schools in Pennsylvania. Make your voice heard and join a movement that can’t be ignored!