The PCPCS Board is seeking a highly qualified, visionary, and committed successor. In the past few years, PCPCS has seen increases in membership, membership dues and general participation by member schools across the state. In 2019, PCPCS launched a statewide communications campaign called “143K Rising” to elevate the voices of students and families benefiting from charter schools. The organization has made significant strides in bringing a unified advocacy agenda to state legislators that reflects the shared interests of mission-driven charter schools across the state. However, as charter enrollment has grown and traditional school districts have been challenged financially by inflexible legacy costs, the challenges for charter schools in the policy and political arena have multiplied. At this time, PCPCS needs a leader with strategic vision, outstanding communications skills, educational credibility, and the ability to persuade and inspire member schools to commit to a unified agenda on behalf of families and students across the state.

Additionally, while the membership and leadership of PCPCS is broadly reflective of the geographic and educational diversity found in the state’s charter school sector, the Board of Trustees is determined to ensure that its membership and leadership is also fully reflective of the racial diversity found in the state’s charter enrollment. PCPCS has made strides toward this goal and seeks an Executive Director who will prioritize and accelerate further strides.

For more information on this opportunity, click here.