PACSP Grant2025-02-05T18:20:00-05:00


PCPCS is the charter school organization that oversees the Pennsylvania Charter Schools Program (PACSP) Grant. The PACSP Grant provides funding to eligible applicants to open, replicate, and/or expand high-quality charter schools.

30 Million in Charter School Support!

The PACSP Grant award will total $30 million over a grant period of five years (2021-25). It’ll support the development, expansion, and replication of 18 high-quality public schools in Pennsylvania.

Each school will be a nonprofit, brick-and-mortar charter school whose model and/or track record demonstrate a strong likelihood that they’ll produce meaningful and sustainable student learning gains.

PACSP Grantees

To date, PACSP Grants have been provided to the following charter schools:

  • Bear Creek Community Charter School (2021)
  • City Charter High School (2021)
  • Midland Innovation & Technology Charter School (2021)
  • Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship (2022)
  • Pennsylvania STEAM Academy (2022)
  • Renaissance Academy Charter School (2022)
  • LIFE Male STEAM Academy Charter School (2023)
  • Provident Charter School – West (2023)
  • Seven Generations Charter School (2023)
  • California Academy of Learning Charter School (2024)
  • Dominus High School (2024)
  • Philadelphia Hebrew Public Charter School (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions

PACSP Open Source Documents2024-08-06T13:48:55-04:00
What schools are eligible to apply?2024-02-29T14:04:19-05:00

Eligible applicants must have an approved charter school petition from a Pennsylvania authorizer in order to apply for Federal CSP dollars under this program.

Each school will be a nonprofit, brick-and-mortar charter school. Grant applicants must conform to the federal definition of a public charter school in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [P.L. 114-95, section 4310(2)] to be eligible for grant funds under the CSP.

Are there different types of grants to apply for?2024-02-29T14:04:27-05:00

Yes. PACSP will award three types of subgrants through the grant program. Eligible applicants may apply for:

  • Development of a new charter school
  • Expansion of an existing high-quality charter school
  • Replication of an existing high-quality charter school

Learn more here (Step #2).

What can be funded under PACSP?2024-02-29T14:04:11-05:00

PACSP grant funds can be used by eligible applicants for activities related to opening and preparing for the operation of new charter schools or to replicate or expand high-quality charter schools. Allowable costs are organized into three categories:

  1. Classroom Level Expenditures – Focus on providing a learning environment appropriate to age-level and the academic model of instruction. Ensures adequate resources are available to meet the needs of all students with specific focus on supplies.
  2. Instructional Support – Focus on providing a learning environment supporting all learners at their level of academic mastery. May include staffing resources, supplemental materials, etc.
  3. Operations – Focus on implementation of an infrastructure supportive of the academic model. May include equipment, software, and other technology supporting the collection and analysis of data.

Learn more here (Step #3).

How does a school apply for the PACSP grant?2024-02-29T14:06:21-05:00

Please click here to learn all the details on how best to apply for the PACSP. We also encourage you to review the following:

Who determines who will receive the grant?2024-02-29T14:07:37-05:00

The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools is very excited to be the stewards of the Charter School Program Grant (CSP) for our state. To ensure subgrants are awarded to the most capable applicants, an external Peer Review panel will review each proposal for a CSP subgrant. These reviewers will receive training on effectively using a Peer Review Rubric to rate potential sub-grant proposals. Individuals selected as peer reviewers must be well informed regarding education, education policy, evaluation, and operations of public charter schools.

The selected Peer Reviewer Team (PRT) will independently read, score, and provide timely, written comments supported by the application scoring rubric and relevant laws and regulations to offer award recommendations to the PACSP Grant team. The Coalition wants to train diverse impartial reviewers who are intimately familiar with the Commonwealth’s educational and political landscape and who are well-positioned to assess whether a school will contribute to the advancement of the CSP project’s objectives; the PRT will consist of five primary members and two alternate members from the following categories:

  • a successful charter school leader or founder;
  • an expert in charter school business management and finance;
  • a representative from a Pennsylvania institution of higher education; and
  • an attorney experienced in Pennsylvania Education Law.
How does the Peer Review panel make their decision?2024-02-29T14:03:51-05:00

The Peer Reviewers independently read, score, and provide timely, written comments supported by the application scoring rubric and relevant laws and regulations to provide award recommendations. These reviewers will receive training on the effective use of the Peer Review Rubric to rate potential subgrant proposals.

The Peer Review Rubric consists of:

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