On September 19, 2017, the Charter School Appeal Board in a unanimous 5-0 decision granted Gillingham Charter School its charter renewal due to the tireless efforts of Mark Morford, Esq. and Christine Reilly, Esq. ar Latsha, Davis & McKenna, P.C.

Gillingham Charter School (“Gillingham”) only began operating in 2011 and this was its first request for a charter renewal.  For the past two years, Mr. Morford and Ms. Reilly have diligently worked and argued in support of Gillingham’s charter renewal.  After Gillingham provided more than 8,000 pages of records and information and attended 12 days of hearings before the Pottsville Area School District (“PASD” or “District”),  the District voted to deny the charter renewal request in July of 2016.  In early August of 2016, Latsha, Davis and McKenna appealed on behalf of Gillingham to the Charter School Appeal Board (“CAB”) and subsequently spent countless hours on motions and briefing in support of the appeal.  Thereafter, Oral Argument was held before the CAB in July of 2017. The Oral Argument was attended by dozens of Gillingham staff, parents and students who wore matching t-shirts and packed the room at the Charter School Appeal Board.  

This decision allows the only public charter school in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, to continue to operate and provide the community a choice in public education.

You may read more about this case here.