The Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools (PCPCS) on behalf of the 183 schools and the 170,000 students it represents, expressed its disappointment in Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposal to significantly cut public cyber charter school funding, which he unveiled today during his budget address. This proposal will harm thousands of families who have determined that a cyber charter school is the best environment for their child to learn.

“I am extremely discouraged by Gov. Shapiro’s proposal to significantly reduce funding for cyber charter schools to the tune of more than a quarter of a billion dollars” said Dr. Anne Clark, CEO of PCPCS. “Gov. Shapiro has rhetorically supported school choice but this proposal is counter to that message. It will reduce educational options for families across Pennsylvania.”

“The Commonwealth Court decision on public school funding didn’t say “except for kids in cyber charter schools”, continued Dr. Clark. ALL kids in public schools deserve fair funding and we shouldn’t be robbing Peter to pay Paul in our public education system. A child in the William Penn School District has many of the same needs if he or she attends a district school or cyber charter school.”

Cyber charter schools are public schools, but they already receive significantly less funding compared to students in traditional public schools. Cyber students receive approximately 75 cents on the dollar after traditional public schools exercise the vast array of deductions available to them. The massive funding cut encompassed in Gov. Shapiro’s budget will be a crushing blow to many schools.

“PCPCS will continue to fight any proposal to cut public cyber charter school funding and we will vigorously fight for the rights of families who have chosen to educate their children in cyber charter schools” said Dr. Clark.